Our Courses


The Pre-primary years in BRGPIC inculcate in children the qualities of curiosity, exploration and discovery in a fun-filled, safe and happy learning environment. The emphasis is on developing in students love of learning, social skills, moral values, and self-confidence. Teachers ensure this by letting the students explore, know, understand and form their own ideas.


BRGPIC aims to provide a joyful learning environment that empowers primary aged children and develops their self-confidence and competency in the core subjects. BRGPIC seeks to create a stimulating learning environment that both supports and challenges the individual child. As they grow, children develop the qualities of hard work, good manners and self-discipline.


Students of the 11-13 age group are emerging as junior youth and curious young adolescents. They need plenty of academic stimulation and intellectually challenging material.

The foundations of solid learning laid here set the stage for academic success in the senior years.


BRGPIC sets extremely high standards of academic scholarship. There is an emphasis on learning by doing, especially in science and computing. Students are provided with strategies and the keys to success in Board Examinations that help them to plan better and study smarter, not just harder. A strong remedial teaching program helps weaker students to become secure in their knowledge.

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We compassionate, nurturing environment provides the vital support each student needs to learn and mature. Our community’s extraordinary patience guides our students in developing a solid foundation of compassion, confidence and self-esteem throughout their lives.